gene hwang
ai engineer, ml enthusiast, friendly backyard mechanic


hey, i'm gene, a mostly-autodidact MLOps and AI engineer.

what i know comes from the internet, hands-on projects, and a ton of trial and error. i'm a firm believer in the power of self-directed learning and the importance of building things that matter by "making do with what you have," making anything accessible to anyone. you can find me at the multiverse school, where i'm working on projects with people from around the world.

ongoing projects:


find the post on the tip of ur tongue

ai-aided semantic searching with requests in natural language to retrieve ultra-specific bookmarked social media posts. i built this with python, javascript, a couple of very ethical scrapers, and postgres. (gradio demo only)


distributed compute

students can host and request compute resources from each other. it's like a decentralized cloud computing platform. only available for inference requests from a single hosted endpoint for now, but we're working on it.


culture ur own bacteria!

buy some lab stuff. it's fun and not at all dangerous, mostly. use the stuff to culture bacteria and other microorganisms. i'm working on a guide to get you started in your own bedroom.